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Angular Grids

The angular grid can be used for integrating over a spherical surface. Currently, two types of angular grids are supported: Lebedev-Laikov and symmetric spherical t-design.

Initialization of Angular Grids

Angular grids can be initialized in three ways:

  1. By specifying the degree of the grid

  2. By specifying the number of points in the grid

The degree specifies be the maximum angular degree \(l\) of the real spherical harmonics \(Y_{lm}\) that the grid can integrate accurately. If the given degree is no supported, the closest degree is used.

from grid.angular import AngularGrid

# Make angular give specifying the degree
degree = 28
ang_grid_ll = AngularGrid(degree=degree)
ang_grid_ss = AngularGrid(degree=degree, method="spherical")
print(f"Specified degree is {degree} but actual degree of the angular grid is:")
print(f"  - {} for the Levedev-Laikov grid")
print(f"  - {} for the symmetric spherical grid")

# Using the same degree, the Levedev-Laikov and symmetric spherical grids
# have different number of points
print(f"Number of points of the Levedev-Laikov grid: {ang_grid_ll.size}")
print(f"Number of points of the symmetric spherical grid: {ang_grid_ss.size}")

# Make angular give specifying the number of points
size = 300
ang_grid_ll = AngularGrid(degree=None, size=size)
print(f"Specified number of points (Levedev-Laikov grid) is: {size}")
print(f"Actual number of points of the angular grid {ang_grid_ll.size}")
Specified degree is 28 but actual degree of the angular grid is:
  - 29 for the Levedev-Laikov grid
  - 29 for the symmetric spherical grid

Number of points of the Levedev-Laikov grid: 302
Number of points of the symmetric spherical grid: 438

Specified number of points (Levedev-Laikov grid) is: 300
Actual number of points of the angular grid 302

The angular grid points are distributed across on the unit-sphere \(S^2\), i.e. points are normalized to one.

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Angular grid points are on the unit sphere.
norm_ll = np.linalg.norm(ang_grid_ll.points, axis=1)
norm_ss = np.linalg.norm(ang_grid_ss.points, axis=1)
print(f"Norm of Levedev-Laikov grid points is all one: {np.all(np.abs(norm_ll - 1.0) < 1e-8)}")
print(f"Norm of symmetric spherical grid points is all one: {np.all(np.abs(norm_ss - 1.0) < 1e-8)}")

# Plot of the angular grid points of the Levedev-Laikov grid
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

# Customize the ticks for the x, y, and z axes for the entire figure
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection="3d")
ax1.set_title(f"Levedev-Laikov Grid (size={ang_grid_ll.size})")
x, y, z = ang_grid_ll.points.T
ax1.scatter(x, y, z, c="r", marker="o")

# Plot of the angular grid points of the symmetric spherical grid
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection="3d")
ax2.set_title(f"Symmetric Spherical Grid (size={ang_grid_ss.size})")
x, y, z = ang_grid_ss.points.T
ax2.scatter(x, y, z, c="b", marker="o")

xticks = yticks = zticks = np.arange(-1.0, 1.1, 0.5)
for ax in fig.axes:
Norm of Levedev-Laikov grid points is all one: True
Norm of symmetric spherical grid points is all one: True

Integral of Identity Function

The integral of the identity function over the unit-sphere \(S^2\) is \(4 \pi\):

\[\int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_0^{\pi} \sin(\phi) d\theta d\phi = 2 \pi \int_0^{\pi} \sin(\phi) d\phi = 4 \pi\]
# Integrate using Levedev-Laikov grid
integrand = np.ones(ang_grid_ll.size)
integral_ll = ang_grid_ll.integrate(integrand)

# Integrate using symmetric spherical grid
integrand = np.ones(ang_grid_ss.size)
integral_ss = ang_grid_ss.integrate(integrand)

print(f"Analytical Integration (4xpi): {4 * np.pi: .9f}")
print(f"Numerical Integration (Levedev-Laikov grid)     : {integral_ll: .9f}")
print(f"Numerical Integration (Symmetric Spherical grid): {integral_ss: .9f}")
Analytical Integration (4xpi):  12.566370614
Numerical Integration (Levedev-Laikov grid)     :  12.566370614
Numerical Integration (Symmetric Spherical grid):  12.566370614

Integral of Spherical Harmonic Function

The real spherical harmonic functions \(Y_{lm}\) integrates to zero unless when \(l=0, m=0\):

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_0^{\pi} Y_{00}(\theta, \phi) \sin(\phi) d\theta d\phi &= \sqrt{4 \pi} \\ \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_0^{\pi} Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi) \sin(\phi) d\theta d\phi &= 0 \end{align*}\end{split}\]
from grid.utils import convert_cart_to_sph, generate_real_spherical_harmonics

# Convert from cartesian to spherical (theta, phi) coordinates, Levedev-Laikov grid
_, theta_ll, phi_ll = convert_cart_to_sph(ang_grid_ll.points).T
# Convert from cartesian to spherical (theta, phi) coordinates, symmetric spherical grid
_, theta_ss, phi_ss = convert_cart_to_sph(ang_grid_ss.points).T

print("Levedev-Laikov grid:")
print(f"Minimum and Maximum of theta coordinate: {np.min(theta_ll)} and {np.max(theta_ll)}")
print(f"Minimum and Maximum of phi coordinate: {np.min(phi_ss)} and {np.max(phi_ll)}\n")

print("Symmetric spherical grid:")
print(f"Minimum and Maximum of theta coordinate: {np.min(theta_ss)} and {np.max(theta_ss)}")
print(f"Minimum and Maximum of phi coordinate: {np.min(phi_ss)} and {np.max(phi_ss)}\n")

# Generate all spherical harmonics up to order l=2
sph_harmonics_ll = generate_real_spherical_harmonics(2, theta_ll, phi_ll)
sph_harmonics_ss = generate_real_spherical_harmonics(2, theta_ss, phi_ss)

# Orders are:
orders = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, -1], [2, 2], [2, -2]]

# Calculate the integral of each spherical harmonic over the angular grid
results = []
for sph_harmonic_i, sph_harm in orders:
    integral_ll = ang_grid_ll.integrate(sph_harmonics_ll[sph_harmonic_i])
    integral_ss = ang_grid_ss.integrate(sph_harmonics_ss[sph_harmonic_i])
    results.append([(sph_harmonic_i, sph_harm), integral_ll, integral_ss])

# Print the results in a table
table_width = 82
width = 25
divide = "|"
title_ll = "Levedev-Laikov grid"
title_ss = "Symmetric spherical grid"
print("Results of the integration of the spherical harmonics over the angular grid")
print("-" * table_width)
print(f"{divide:<{width}} {divide}{title_ll:>{width}} {divide} {title_ss:>{width}} {divide}")
print("-" * table_width)
for sph_harmonic_i in results:
    sph_harm = f"Y_{sph_harmonic_i[0]}"
        f"{divide}{sph_harm:^{width}}{divide}{sph_harmonic_i[1]:>{width}.16f} {divide} {sph_harmonic_i[2]:>{width}.16f} {divide}"
print("-" * table_width)
Levedev-Laikov grid:
Minimum and Maximum of theta coordinate: -3.044810534956229 and 3.141592653589793
Minimum and Maximum of phi coordinate: 0.0 and 3.141592653589793

Symmetric spherical grid:
Minimum and Maximum of theta coordinate: -3.141592653589793 and 3.1265941085262927
Minimum and Maximum of phi coordinate: 0.0 and 3.141592653589793

Results of the integration of the spherical harmonics over the angular grid
|                         |      Levedev-Laikov grid |  Symmetric spherical grid |
|        Y_(0, 0)         |       3.5449077018109114 |        3.5449077018110318 |
|        Y_(1, 0)         |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000001 |
|        Y_(1, 1)         |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000001 |
|        Y_(1, -1)        |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000001 |
|        Y_(2, 0)         |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000000 |
|        Y_(2, 1)         |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000000 |
|        Y_(2, -1)        |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000000 |
|        Y_(2, 2)         |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000000 |
|        Y_(2, -2)        |       0.0000000000000000 |       -0.0000000000000000 |

Spherical Harmonics Are Orthonormal

The following showcases that the real spherical harmonics implemented in grid are orthonormal i.e.

\[\int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_0^{\pi} Y_{l_1, m_1}(\theta, \phi) Y_{l_2, m_2}(\theta, \phi) \sin(\phi) d\theta d\phi = \delta_{l_1, l_2}\cdot \delta_{m_1, m_2}\]
# Show that real spherical harmonics are orthonormal
for i, sph_harmonic_i in enumerate(sph_harmonics_ll):
    for j, sph_harmonic_j in list(enumerate(sph_harmonics_ll))[i:]:
        value = ang_grid_ll.integrate(sph_harmonic_i * sph_harmonic_j)
        print(f"Integral of Y{orders[i]} x Y{orders[j]} over the angular grid is: {value: .9f}")
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[0, 0] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[1, 0] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[1, 1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[1, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[2, 0] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[0, 0] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[1, 0] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[1, 1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[1, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[2, 0] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 0] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[1, 1] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[1, -1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[2, 0] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, 1] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[1, -1] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[2, 0] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[1, -1] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 0] x Y[2, 0] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 0] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 0] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 0] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 0] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is:  0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 1] x Y[2, 1] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 1] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 1] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 1] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, -1] x Y[2, -1] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[2, -1] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, -1] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 2] x Y[2, 2] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000
Integral of Y[2, 2] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is: -0.000000000
Integral of Y[2, -2] x Y[2, -2] over the angular grid is:  1.000000000